Friday, July 3, 2009

At a friend's place


We all have a list of things we regret doing. Getting drunk in a party, kissing a stranger, cheating your boyfriend/girlfriend, fighting your mom back and eating too much sweets are just some of the the things you might find in the list. We wake up the next morning realizing how wrong our action is but we cannot do something to erase that mistake.

On top of my "regrets" list would be getting drunk at gay friend's place. I got drunk twice there and yes I regret it. First was on his birthday. All of our friends were there of course and it was also our first time at his place. There were only a few people there but it was fun. Until I had too much alcohol in my system. I hate myself when I'm drunk - I talk too much, as in too much and I also cry. The first I got drunk I think also cried. For some reason, I always cry when I get drunk but at least I don't vomit. Anyway, I was too noisy talking and crying that my friend's mom heard it and a friend even had to carry me. It was too embarrassing. I told myself I wouldn't drink too much alcohol.

The second time I went to my friend's place was for a block party. Too much alcohol. Drama. Crying. The second time was the worst ever that I don't even want to tell the details.

Although I keep saying to control myself and know my limits in drinking, it's hard. The best thing you can do when you're in a party is to make sure you are with a very good friend so whatever happens you still have a name to carry, I got lucky on that.

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